Maria Valeria

About Me

Hello, my name is Maria Urdaneta, people know me as @sincerelymvu. I am a fashion, lifestyle, and entertainment content creator. I am passionate about my work and I enjoy each day of it, which makes me feel proud. Ive been able to grow large audiences in the most popular social media platforms including Youtube (500k) Instagram (660k) and Tik Tok (1.3M) What sets me apart from others is the fact that I share very close parts of my life including family. People feel a closer connection since they get to know what I do on a daily basis with my loved ones.

Transparency is what most people like, which is why there is trust and a bond in between.As a result, I have been able to work with incredible brands including (Meta, Amazon, Garnier, Victoria Secret, BOSS, Volkswagen, Creed, Miami Heat, AT&T, Stella Artois, Clean & Clear, and others)I will continue to help others and inspire thousands along the way, to help them create the best versions of themselves.